We are a leader in CRISPR-Cas research for agricultural products, especially for crops like corn, soybeans, canola and sorghum, and are committed to making information about CRISPR-Cas and how we are using it available to the public. Because we believe in its potential to improve crops, we are also committed to encouraging wide adoption of CRISPR-Cas9 in agriculture by enabling access to intellectual property rights for nonprofit organizations, academics and companies with the intent to help solve some of the world’s biggest food challenges.
We practice Open Innovation by making CRISPR-Cas9 technology available
Since October of 2017 Corteva Agriscience™ and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have jointly offered non-exclusive licenses to CRISPR-Cas9 technology for use in agricultural applications. That way, a commercial third party may choose to only execute one license to access a comprehensive CRISPR-Cas9 intellectual property portfolio. This removes a significant barrier for organizations of all sizes to practice CRISPR-Cas9 in agriculture.
The joint non-exclusive license is flexible. Entities seeking a license for commercial agricultural research and product development may take one or more of the following: an internal only R&D license, a commercial seeds and crop trait products license, a commercial license for other (non-livestock) agricultural products, and/or a license to provide CRISPR-Cas9 services. Financial terms of the licenses scale with the size of the third party seeking the license and the addressable market. Non-profits desiring a license may have a no-cost academic research license.
These joint licenses are consistent with our CRISPR-Cas Advanced Plant Breeding Guiding Principles (found here https://crispr.corteva.com/our-promise/) as well as with the Broad Institute’s ethical restrictions for agricultural use. CRISPR-Cas9 will only be used safely and responsibly. CRISPR-Cas9 cannot be used to enable gene drive or produce tobacco products for human consumption.
To learn more visit https://crispr.corteva.com/.
If you are interested in starting a conversation about accessing the joint non-exclusive license, please contact:
Open Innovation at openinnovation@corteva.com